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Acts Campus Camp 2012: 1UP! =)

Just in case you were, by any chance, wondering where have I been for the past 3 days, I've attended a camp organised by Acts Campus (a subset of Acts Church). Firstly I would tell you when have I started joining Acts Church. To be honest, it had been a few years since I last attended formal Sunday service; which means, I never go to church since year 2008 until August last year (approximately 4 years). I was so afraid to go back to my previous church after SPM for I thought people might be judging me. Perhaps I wasn't strong enough in my faith, that I was afraid of other people and eventually forsaking God. I believe this is the period of what they called it as 'backsliding' period. Surprised? The life without Christ (after I learnt about Christ) was horrible, full of challenges and temptations by the Devil. But again, thank God that I'm saved once again! =)

I'm now dare to declare my backsliding period cause I am not afraid of anyone judging me for only God has the highest power to judge! What matters most is not your history but rather your current faith and your progress in the relationship with God. Thank God for this realisation of truth! =) Later in this post I would write more about what held me back from progressing well in my Christian life (and eventually backsliding).

Here I would like to share one testimony on how I eventually get saved after years of backsliding God. Although I've served as a Treasurer in Taylor's Christian Fellowship for more than 8 months since January 2011 but I still could hardly feel God's presence in my life. Most of the time I relied on my own strength to solve problems instead of praying to God. Until one evening in a probabilistic occasion on Tuesday, I met Ping for the first time (she was my friends' friend in INTEC) on the street in front of my college after class, and she 'picked' me up since she was on her way going to Acts Church (in Summit Hotel) with her friends. She invited me to go for prayer service that evening and since I had nothing to do, I went to Acts Church for the first time, afterwhich I decided to join Homes (cell group by Acts Church) every fortnight's Friday. For these few weeks after CNY 2012, I've been attending Sunday service in Acts Church for several times now although I have to drive all the way from my house in Seri Kembangan to Summit Hotel. I believe this is not
a mere probabilistic occurrence but rather God's work in summoning me back to Him! Too good to be coincidental? Praise the Lord! =)

Right back to the title! I went to Bayu Beach Resort, Port Dickson on Friday afternoon after class, and there were around 300+ campers. We checked in that evening, and went to beach. 

At the beach! Haha Shin! =D 
Waiting for the first session to start! =D (From left: Me, Ivan Chew (my roommate), Joanne and Alicia) 

The first session started at night with sermon by Reverend Kenneth Chin, after dinner. I would summarise his sermon here:

Bible verses: Deuteronomy 34, Galatians 5: 22-23, Romans 5: 1-5, 2 Peter 1: 5, Daniel 6: 1, Galatians 5: 7-11
- Have you really grown up?
- The way to 1UP -> Look up to the One!
- Life is short, be the best that you can.
- 1UP in my faith! Never settle! Be A class with unlimited leave! =)
- Cross is 'offensive', and opposing the nominal world.
- 3 principles: 1) Jesus said: Take up the cross DAILY and follow me!
                      2) Walk in the Spirit! Be what I meant to be, don't be a slave to people (Take my life,
                          cause I already gave it to my Heavenly Father! Not afraid of dying for Christ)
                      3) Way to success -> Know Him! God chose you, not otherwise!
- Best example: Master chooses  a dog and loves it unconditionally no matter what. Similarly, God choose you and loves you unconditionally regardless of what you did.

Camwhore! =D Waiting for second session, or is it? I can't remember lol! =p 


In the next morning, the second session started off with sermon by Pastor Sandra, and I would like to admit it was certainly very interesting and thought provoking for me! =) Here's the summary of it:

- Capacity -> You could increase capacity in whatever you do!
- In Christ, you have the opportunities to increase capacity!
- We don't have to walk in the fallen world, with Christ!
- In the long run, we can be the Salt and Light, don't be afraid to participate! Live outside your comfort zone!
- 1UP in everything! Relationship should 1UP you instead of bringing you down!
- Observe! Not go and chase cause you might fall down and hurt yourself LOL! =O
- Leave her, if she's not meant for you. You can't do anything cause that's the effect inflicted by hormone.
- General rules of Relationship: 1) God, I'm interested.
                                                2) Ask God to improve yourself, equip yourself with unprecedented
                                                    characters and qualities in you! -> Good man!
                                                3) Both should love God more than each other.
                                                4) Honour, value and respect! =)
                                                5) Relationship should lead to marriage!
- Do not forsake friendship with other people for BGR!
- BGR should develop you to be a better person!
- Love needs to be developed, to grow with God! =)
- If you delve into something you should not, you will lose innocence.
- Ask God about your other half, and wait! God is faithful, and He will answer you! =)
- Ask God whether you are ready for a relationship.
- Manage sexual drive in a relationship!
- Help each other to grow in Christ! =)

After this session, I finally have a revelation and it clearly resolved some of my questions dancing in my head for quite some time. Thanks Pastor! =) Now I know how should I react if I ever fall for a girl. First thing to do, pray and ask God! Ask for something and God will give you abundantly as God is a gracious God! =) Improve yourself to be a better person, to be the right person for her. Okay, time to pray! =)

1UP Camp's group picture! =D Try to find me? =p 

Next I attended a workshop about how to make your purse not that empty, in other word how to make yourself 'loaded' all the time. What I learnt is money doesn't belong to you, but it belongs to God! Financially healthy means a progressive journey to save well, spend well and invest well. One way to be financially healthy is by start doing a budget sheet every week or month. Quite manageable I think. =)

At night, third session started off with short sermon by Pastor Dave! =) Here's the summary:

Bible Verses: Mark 2: 21-22, Mark 10: 17, 1 Kings 3: 3
- There's nothing wrong with you!
- He has a plan for you.
- A new you! Restore what enemies took from you.
- God wants you to surrender the ONE thing that you love, to Him alone.
- It's not about how many things you give up, but that one thing that you love, thing that you're reluctant to give up at greatest price, to the extent of loving it more than loving God!
- Speaking in tongue, is the manifestation of His power (Holy Spirit) in you, a blessing from God.
- Sometimes you want to 1UP, to be closer with God, but there's something that holds you back. Find the 'something' and surrender it to God! Leave it! =)
- God wants us to 1UP with Him.

That night, we praised and worship for quite a long time (more than 1 hour I think). I really felt God whenever we praise and worship cause that's the time where I am at my most submissive state, to submit everything to God! Thank you Lord for your presence with us through Holy Spirit! =) Later on, we cam-whored for the rest of the night for memories! =D

With housemates! Ivan, Benjamin and Victor! =) 
With housemates Ivan and Darren! =) 
Alicia! =) 
Joanne! =) 
Really pro in camwhore! xD 
Haha funny Ivan! xD 

With SJ10 Homies!!! =D 

With SJ1 people! =D 

Stinger Bumblebee! xD 

This morning, we had Sunday service and again sermon was given by Pastor Dave! Here's the summary:

Bible Verses: Galatians 6: 9, Galatians 2: 20
- The success of this camp is going to start counting from tomorrow onward!
- Leave the old 'you', be offensive through the Cross and conviction!
- Live and encounter God everyday, not only devilish one-night stand!
- Everyone will be challenged, and what matters is how you respond to it!
- Have spirit of excellence in every aspect!
- Be prepared to lose some friends when you start 'offensing' people by Cross!
- Losing friends is part of the fruits yielded from the Cross and our conviction!
- God wants you to be champion in every field, including study!
- Look at study as testimony for God! Nothing is impossible with God!
- Ask and we shall receive, with expectations being put in God!
- You receive nothing cause you ask for nothing! Ask for something and God will give you abundantly!
- Devil cannot take anyone of us, for we are already owned by Jesus!
- Live by God's power, so that we wouldn't be attacked by devil.
- Pray for God's peace, for it would alleviate all worries!
- Nothing is too hard for God, surrender everything to Him!
- How well God has done to you yesterday, depends upon how long it lasts! =)
- Real deal lasts FOREVER!
- Carry our cross daily and not lose up!
- The higher the level up, the greater the challenges! You will be challenged for sure!
- Be consistent in it, and you will be victorious, if you never give up!
- Do things on God's ability, not yours.
- Lead by example! Live by faith, for the Son of God!
- Respond with the Word of God!
- How to say no to all negative things that will hurt God's heart, but that you enjoy it?
   Ans: Start internalises Scriptures, for your heart is connected with God! =)

Here's an extremely powerful, beautiful passage, which pastor asked us to memorise on the spot!

'I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.' - Galatians 2: 20

Last lunch before departing! =') 

After lunch, we departed back to Summit Hotel and that's it!

This camp has taught me lots of things, and somehow changed my perception altogether! Things that were holding me back from progressing well in Christian life have been resolved! Many times I had doubts with God, as I thought God never answered my prayer. Apparently I was wrong. God will never give something too hard to be endured, something incapable of being endured by His children! God will make a way every time we face challenge and each challenge is God's way to strengthen us, to build us into a troop of stronger army! =)

Also I had doubts with many stories in the Bible (which indirectly had doubts with God), as many didn't appear logical or scientific to me. I was being skeptical in God. For instance, God created the universe and all creatures. To me who have been raised up in a scientific environment, I used to debate this with my own logical explanation. I remember I debated with Xiu Jing before about this, saying that right particles somehow bumped into each other by chances, and created universe through some reaction and similar thing occurs to stars and galaxies, and all planets including Earth. But through this camp, I have found the reason to believe all the 'illogical' occurrences, cause believing is faith and faith shall stand itself. This is my belief, my conviction, and I must hold strong to it! =)

I once looked at God as an entity for me to seek help and nothing more than that. That was very wrong indeed, cause we shall pray to God consistently, bear the cross DAILY and not only when we face unsolved problems. As we walk in the Christian life, we are having a relationship with God, and nothing lesser. God is the greatest and the Almighty One, and nothing is above Him! Surrender everything to God and you shall receive fruitful results! Amen.

Lastly, I have been very lazy to read Bible and live a life unlike any other Christian. I seldom pray very hard and often stuck in my prayer due to lack of communication with God. I used to be very pumped up to read Bible but eventually the fresh spirit diminished over time. But now it's different! Now that I've changed and I know I certainly am! I have 1UP myself and God has again given me a whole new ME to read up his Word. Seek answers from the Bible and you shall be blessed with powerful scriptures by internalising it. Thank you Lord, for all these wonderful experiences and revelations, to grow more and more in your love, to be closer with you! Thank you, for your presence with us in Holy Spirit throughout these days! =)

*I have some more pictures but some of them haven't been posted up yet so yea! Will update this soon! =)


  1. sounds like very cool, u often join such camps?

  2. It's very awesome! Not sure bout cool though haha! Nope to say often, in fact this is my second church camp I've been so far! And I really like this one! Definitely looking forward for the next! =D


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